Episode 7

Published on:

26th Jun 2024

Sleep 8 Hours Every Night / No Excuses

Sleep 8 Hours Every Night / No Excuses

Eight hours of sleep is the foundation for living an extraordinary life with dynamic energy, high performance, and enduring joy. It’s the non-negotiable foundation for accessing the mind, which is the universe outside the body.

The benefits of eight hours of sleep include kindness, creativity, and joy. With eight hours of sleep, you’re more productive, innovative, and resilient. You’re better at managing life’s challenges.

Dr. Gary Epler / Eplerian Life Philosophy


Sleep 8 Hours Every Night / No Excuses

Dr. Gary Epler – Eight hours of sleep is the foundation for living an extraordinary life with dynamic energy, high performance, and enduring joy. That’s right, eight hours of sleep. It’s the non-negotiable foundation for accessing the mind, which is the universe outside the body.

Joan – Eight hours, that’s a big ask for most people. What happens during the eight hours that’s so crucial?

The first six hours restore your brain energy, like refueling a car. The last two hours of dream sleep or rapid eye movement (REM) sleep give you kindness, creativity, and connection to the mind that contains all information and knowledge about the past, present, and future.

What if you don’t get the two hours of dream sleep?

When you don't get enough sleep, your primitive brain takes over causing stress, self-importance, and negativity. Recent findings show that with less than eight hours of sleep, a critical region in the middle frontal lobe is deactivated, disabling your ability to turn knowledge into action. People know the need for healthy nutritional lifestyle, daily exercise, and required tasks at work, but will lack the brain energy to accomplish them. This leads to conflicts with family and colleagues, and even job loss.

How big is the problem of less than eight hours of sleep?

It’s a massive problem all over the world. The statistics tell the story, 15% of people worldwide get less than five hours of sleep and 75% get six or less hours of sleep. This could mean that billions of people are living from the primitive brain and not the human brain with kindness and helping others.

How does less than eight hours of sleep impact people’s daily lives?

Without eight hours of sleep, you know what to do, but you won’t have the energy or creativity to do it. You’re stuck in survival mode, without the ability to innovate or solve problems. You’re living from the primitive brain, which is selfish and egocentric.

How can we prioritize eight hours of sleep in our busy lives?

Make it a non-negotiable priority. Set a consistent bedtime. Go to bed at the same time each night. The pre-bedtime routine needs to be no sleeping during the day and no eating after 7:00 pm, and avoid video screens before sleep.

What do you do if you stay up later than you normally do?

Add eight hours and start the day at the later time. If you can’t do this, be aware that you’re going to be spending your day at lower-level thinking, and the next day will be normal. Sleeping more than eight hours does more harm than good. You lose energy and creativity. You can take a 10- to 15-minute nap without disrupting your night’s sleep cycle.

This makes sense. What if you can’t fall asleep?

That’s where breathing techniques and self-relaxation come in. Count down from 100 to 90. Breathe in counting to six, hold your breath for the count of eight. Yoga box method by breathing in for the count of five, hold your breath for the count of 5, breathe out for the count of five, and hold your breath for the count of five. Repeat these breathing techniques as needed. Self-relaxation means relaxing your eyelids, your face, your neck and shoulders, your arms and fingers, your chest and abdomen, your upper and lower legs, and finishing with your toes.

Joan – I love these techniques. The benefits of eight hours of sleep include kindness, creativity, and joy, what else?

Dr. Gary Epler – With eight hours of sleep, you’re more productive, innovative, and resilient. You’re better at managing life’s challenges.

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About the Podcast

Good Thoughts Podcast
Eplerian Life Philosophy / Alive In the Mind and Your Heart
Good Thoughts Podcast is about living your life with good thoughts from your heart with kindness and the mind with enduring joy. Listen to Dr. Gary Epler and host Joan Epler.

Good Thoughts Podcast is based on the Eplerian Philosophy of "Know who you are moment by moment." This means knowing where you’re thinking from and that’s who you are. There are five locations to think from: your head, heart, gut, body, and the mind, which is outside the body.

Think from your heart with kindness, giving, and being grateful. Live in the mind to help others and live an extraordinary life brimming with high energy, peak performance, unstoppable creativity, and enduring joy.

Discover a life-changing path to exhilarating living. It all starts with good thoughts.

About your host

Profile picture for Gary Epler

Gary Epler

Dr. Gary Epler is an internationally known Harvard Medical School professor, bestselling author, and opinion leader in health, peak performance, and leadership. He has impacted businesses and the lives of people throughout the world through his speaking, books, teaching and consulting. Dr. Epler is a successful serial entrepreneur as a founder and CEO of three companies. He has developed the "Eplerian Philosophy" a modern-day life philosophy for people to live their best lives at home, at work, and in the community.

Extended Bio: Dr. Gary Epler is an internationally known Harvard Medical School professor and opinion-leader in health, peak productivity and leadership. He is a bestselling author who has impacted the lives of people throughout the world through his speaking engagements, books, teaching and consulting. He has been called upon by individuals from around the globe who have a rare lung disease called BOOP that he discovered. He has developed the "Eplerian Life Philosophy" which is a modern-day life philosophy for people to live their best lives at home, at work and in society. This philosophy is based on brain science defined as “know who you are moment by moment.” This means stay out of your bad brain regions and stay in the good. Dr. Epler is a successful serial entrepreneur as a founder and CEO of three companies including a biotech company, a nutraceutical company, and a health management company. He is an award-winning speaker, addressing audiences about health, nutrition, productivity, and leadership.

Dr. Gary Epler has been recognized yearly since 1994 in The Best Doctors in America. He believes personalized health empowers people. He has written four health books in the critically acclaimed “You’re the Boss” series about people taking charge of their health including Manage Your Disease, BOOP, Asthma, and Food. Dr. Epler’s current book “Alive with Life. A Medical Doctor’s Guide to Live Your Best Life” about how to live an exhilarating life filled with high-energy, creativity, enjoyment, positive experiences and extraordinary people.

Dr. Epler discovered a new lung parasite in South America. He was at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta where he chronicled the nutritional needs of North African children and managed the tuberculosis refugee program in Southeast Asia. He was Chief of Medicine and Board Member at the New England Baptist Hospital for 15 years. He has written more than 110 scientific publications and given more than 500 seminars and workshops around the world. He has more than 30K social media followers including one post with 200K+ views. In addition to conducting clinical and research work, Dr. Epler strives to educate. He became editor-in-chief of an internet-based educational program in critical care and pulmonary medicine offered by the American College of Chest Physicians. Business Week acclaimed him for his development of e-health educational programs that enable patients to manage their health and diseases. Dr. Epler was recognized as one of Boston Magazine’s “Top Doctors in Town.”

Dr. Epler ran several marathons including Boston, New York, and proposed to his wife, Joan at the start of the Paris Marathon; and for their first anniversary, they ran the original Greek marathon together. He delivered the 20th baby from a mother who named the baby after him. He’s been one of the Boston Celtics team doctors. He has taught medicine throughout the world and was fortunate enough to save a dying infant in South America from an overwhelming parasitic infection by using the sap from a fig tree. He is a radio and television personality. He is a Hollywood screenwriter and has written a medical thriller movie, medical drama TV show, and a lifestyle reality TV show. He is active in the community. He coached soccer, basketball, hockey, baseball, and club baseball at Boston College. He lives in the Boston area with his wife, Joan.