Maximize Your Social Health
Maximize Your Social Health
Social health is the capacity to create trust, develop meaningful connections, and make a positive contribution to society.
The seven indicators of social health include kindness from the heart, high level happiness, zero level stress, healthy nutrition lifestyle, eight hours of sleep every night, one hour of exercise every day, and daily meditation.
There are seven supplemental indicators. These include always being engaged in life, learning something new every day, gratitude and appreciation, positive social interaction, giving outside yourself, positive contribution to society, and always being your true authentic self.
How does it feel to have a 7 social health score? You feel like you can deal with anything that comes your way. You’re happy. You’re energized and full of life.
Here’s another one for 15 indicators: Maximize your social skills.
The social health score can be used for companies, communities, and countries. What’s your company’s score? What’s your country’s score?
Begin your quest for a 7 out of 7 social health score.
Dr. Gary Epler / Eplerian Life Philosophy